The problem
Transitions of care are problematic in healthcare delivery systems in the United States and internationally. Communication breakdowns, medication errors, lack of care coordination, poor patient understanding, lack of HIT interoperability and post-discharge planning and support at the point of discharge / care transition - these all contribute to poor outcomes and wasted resources. Well-established research has demonstrated how to reduce these preventable errors.
The standards of care embedded in Project RED have been proven to:
Reduce Readmissions
Improve patient outcomes
Raise patient / family engagement
Increase staff satisfaction
Save nurse time, and millions of $
Project RED principles are the best-in-class standards of practice in care transitions
Errors, oversite and poor practices not only result in hospital readmission penalties and wasted resources, patients, families and staff are demoralized and become cynical when the same problems recure without any remedy.
We understand the problems, now what can we do about them?
In this series of programs, you’ll learn:
Thirteen principles of Project RED
How to implement best-in-class transitions of care
Proven patient engagement practices
Practical insights on gaining stakeholder buy-in
Care coordination practices that work
Application of Project RED to a specific (problematic) chronic clinical condition
Proven methods to achieve the Triple Aim
Practical solutions to readmissions penalties
Translate research into action
Unnecessary and / or inappropriate hospital readmissions cost hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Hospitals which readmit patients outside of national standards are penalized and have lower patient satisfaction scores. While these consequences are significant, the additional costs to poorly managed transitions of care include patient and family stress and difficulty, and demoralized staff.
Join us for a series of three webinars designed to further the dialogue and offer concrete,
actionable directions for policy, operations and medical professionals.
Webinar #1: A New Standard of Practice in Discharge & Transitions of Care.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT
Dr. Jack will review the principles & practice of Project RED solutions and the very practical future these standards of practice creates.
Webinar #2: Improving Transitions of Care; The organizational experience at the US Veterans Administration.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT
Mr Renfro will present his decade-long experience implementing Project RED in a hospital setting and suggest a set of transferable success guidelines for lowering readmissions, saving nurse time and delivering on the promise of Project RED.
Webinar #3: The Heart of the Matter: Preventing medication errors in cardiovascular transitions of care
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST
Dr. Sibicky will present clinical protocols for Project RED-based transitions of care among the population with cardiovascular disease, focusing on systems-based medication errors and patient adherence / compliance.
The presentations will be recorded and made available following the event date.