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Re-Engineering Hospital Discharge: Improving Patient Safety and Reducing Readmissions

Hospital discharge is a critical transition point for patients, but it is often associated with poor communication, inadequate education, and high rates of readmission. The non-standardized nature of hospital discharge is a significant driver of healthcare costs. However, there is now ample evidence that improving communication at hospital discharge can prevent problems after hospital discharge, including rehospitalization. The ReEngineered Discharge (RED) program is an evidence-based solution that successfully delivers high-quality transitions in care, improves patient satisfaction, achieves patient-centered outcomes, and reduces rehospitalization by over 20% while lowering healthcare costs. Despite the proven benefits of the RED program, implementing these evidence-based processes into US hospitals requires smooth integration into customary hospital workflows..

Key Features of Project RED:

The RED program includes a set of evidence-based processes that standardize hospital discharge and improve communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. These processes include medication reconciliation, patient education, follow-up appointments, and post-discharge support.

Results of RED:

The RED program includes a set of evidence-based processes that standardize hospital discharge and improve communication between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. These processes include medication reconciliation, patient education, follow-up appointments, and post-discharge support.

The Re-Engineered Discharge program is a proven solution to improve the transition from hospital to home and reduce healthcare costs. To learn more about the RED program and its implementation, click here to read the full article "Re-Engineering the Hospital Discharge to Improve the Transition From Hospital to Home: Overview and a Look to the Future" published in the Journal of Healthcare Management Standards.

Dr Brian Jack

Dr Brian Jack et al delivers insights into providing better transitions of care in in this article published in the Journal of Healthcare Management Standards.

Jack BW, Austad K, Renfro DR, Mitchell S. Re-Engineering the Hospital Discharge to Improve the Transition From Hospital to Home: Overview and a Look to the Future. Journal of Healthcare Management Standards 2023:3(1);1-17.

Project RED Solutions webinar series

Unnecessary and / or inappropriate hospital readmissions cost hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Hospitals which readmit patients outside of national standards are penalized and have lower patient satisfaction scores. While these consequences are significant, the additional costs to poorly managed transitions of care include patient and family stress and difficulty, and demoralized staff.

Join us for a series of three webinars designed to further the dialogue and offer concrete, actionable directions for policy, operations and medical professionals.

Webinar #1: A New Standard of Practice in Discharge & Transitions of Care.

Webinar #2: Improving Transitions of Care; The organizational experience at the US Veterans Administration.

Webinar #3: The Heart of the Matter: Preventing medication errors in cardiovascular transitions of care


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